Loving Waters

Loving Waters™ is a growing global community of Water lovers, advocates and guardians uniting together in remembrance of our primary sacred relationship … Water AS Life. Loving Waters is an educational community bringing broader awareness of our Water as a living organism to be respected and loved. The intention and mission of Loving Waters is to globally inspire local communities into deeper conversations regarding our vital stewardship and guardian roles of caring for our world’s Water.


Our Mission

As a global community of Water advocates, Loving Waters provides connection, support and focus for committed ‘Water Guardians’ in their individual actions through:

    • Globally encourage the simple act of giving gratitude to our Water, through various ceremonies, blessings and social campaigns, as a significant pathway to healing and reconciliation for the planet.
    • Each month on the full moon, we gather locally in our own watersheds in gratitude as individuals, family, friends and community offering and receiving Waters Blessings. All traditions are welcomed and honored.
    • Each month on the New Moon, Loving Waters™ provides a monthly conference call, inviting Water Guardians to share their wisdom and practices.
    • Making visible and supporting the campaigns of other Water Guardian, as well as sharing efforts bringing water awareness to our local and global communities.
    • Creating a greater opportunity for networking through our social media platform.

Together we connect what has long been separated and celebrate our most sacred relationship … the genesis of All Life on Earth, Our Source Water.
Elizabeth Herald


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